Bullchat with Randy Paddock

Bullchat with Randy Paddock

Latest Episodes

Episode 34: Bros
June 14, 2019

In this episode Randy chats about friendship. Why it is important to the human experience, and why we should all create relationships.

Episode 33: Keep It Movin
May 12, 2019

In this episode Randy starts by giving his 2 cents on Facetime. He then chats about ways to keep the body moving, so you can live a healthier life.

Episode 22: Tell Me Lies
April 28, 2019

In this episode Randy chats about the art of lying. What is a lie? Why do we lie? He also touches on the different typs of lies, and his view if they are all bad.

Babychat 10: Why Wont It Read?
March 06, 2019

Do we read books anymore? Should we? Does it benefit us? Randy chats about his thoughts on these questions and more.

Babychat 9: The Golden Rule
February 11, 2019

Randy gives his two cents about how he feels we should treat people. He questions if the golden rule still exists.

Babychat 8: Competition
January 21, 2019

In this episode Randy shares his thoughts on competition. Why it is a good thing and how it brings out the best in people.

Episode 21: The Year 2018
January 01, 2019

In this episode Randy chats about his thoughts on some of the major events of 2018.

Episode 20: Merry Christmas Ya Filthy Animal
December 17, 2018

In this episode Randy chats about his favorite Holiday, Christmas. He tells you why he loves it and why you should too. He also takes a trip down memory lane of Christmas past.

Babychat 7: Freedom
November 28, 2018

In this chat Randy talks about freedom. What it means to be free and remembering what we have and to take advantage of it.

Episode 19: Common Sense
October 29, 2018

In this episode Randy chats about common sense. He questions if it still exists and do people know how to use it. He also touches on what might happen if we all were able to use it day to day.