Brewers Journal Podcast

Brewers Journal Podcast

Latest Episodes

#12 Purity: Breaking the rules
June 14, 2019

There are rules you play by as a craft brewer. You have an active tap room, you’re located somewhere near your customers, and the very last thing you would do are cask ales. And let’s throw into this mix, you started with home brewing never, ever,

#11 Craft beer from Palestine
May 29, 2019

In part one of a special ‘On the road’ broadcast of the Brewers Journal podcast, we were at Jerusalem’s Shapiro brewery. In part two, host Velo Mitrovich of Reby Media will be taking you to Taybeth Brewing Company in Palestine.

#10 Brewing beer in the city of eternity
May 13, 2019

When you hear mention of ‘Jerusalem’, your mind instantly pictures many things which could fill this page about a million times over, ranging from the song sung at weddings, to King Richard the Lion Heart. Chances are though,

#9 Reducing food waste: a message in a bottle
April 30, 2019

We’re not short of initiatives and schemes launching in the UK to help tackle food waste, but an impressive array of new product developments have also launched across the country aiming to tackle areas of wastage from wonky fruit and veg to surplus br...

#8 Twisted Barrel brewery
April 16, 2019

If you have a brewery, you need a tap room, says Ritchie Bosworth, Head Brewer and CEO of Coventry’s Twisted Barrel brewery. “For us, it’s the main source of our revenue. If you’re going to be a brewer, no matter how small or big your set-up is,

#7 Chaos in a barrel: Barrel aging part 2
April 05, 2019

In part I we gave you the history and the whys; now we’re given you the nuts and bolts on wood barrel aging. Aging beer in wooden barrels in not for the feint hearted, but if you can’t get a climbing pass for K2 this year, it’s the next best thing.
