Brewers Journal Podcast

Brewers Journal Podcast

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#32 Deya: Brew what makes you happy
August 07, 2020

You can make your way in this industry with great beer but with that, you need to be genuine in your approach. Brew the beers you truly want to make and people will react in kind, explains Theo Freyne, founder of Deya Brewing Company. “Starting out,

#31 Ignore the beer geeks
July 24, 2020

Brasserie De La Senne has made its name with beers such as Taras Boulba and Zinnebir. Complex, bitter beers underpinned by balance, subtlety and nuance. For Yvan De Baets, co-founder of the Brussels brewery,

#30 Use beer as a catalyst for change: Gabe Barry, Brooklyn Brewery
May 28, 2020

Following a decade working in New York State craft beer; Gabe Barry says moving to Paris was like switching to lambics after only ever drinking German Pilsner. Despite her new surroundings, Brooklyn Brewery’s education manager of Europe explained one t...

#29 The test of time: Harvey’s Brewery
April 17, 2020

Harvey’s is truly a brewery for all seasons. It exists within that special sphere that commands admiration and respect. If you’re a beer lover then more than likely, you love the beer produced by Harvey’s. And under the guidance of Miles Jenner,

#28 Hops spring eternal
April 03, 2020

It is a cold, wet miserable day when you decide to visit Hogs Back Brewery in Surrey. The farm fields themselves are muddy, and with their soppy brown colour and the grey, grey, oppressing sky above, it almost seems a reflection as to what the country ...

#27 The Art of Beer
March 13, 2020

In an increasingly crowded marketplace, looking at new avenues to promote your beer is one way to broaden your market reach. Festivals, museums, hotels are three such examples so it’s a good thing then that the operations director at Tate Modern,

#26 Crafting the industry
February 21, 2020

In 2005, you would have got some pretty confused looks if you asked after the latest Imperial Pastry Sour. There would have been no Instagram to capture the ‘Iceman pour’ of your beverage and no Untappd to rate said beer on. The beer landscape has,

#25 How one brewery keeps coming back
February 07, 2020

In 1986, Margaret Thatcher was prime minister, Germany was still divided, a deal was signed to build the Chunnel, and Nethergate Brewery began pouring its first craft beer – although that was an expression no one was using back then.

#24 It’s a bitter world
January 13, 2020

High IBU beers are back – no they’re not – yes they are – yes – no – yes – no,  it’s all enough to drive you crazy. Through our own fault of not educating customers, most of the time they equate IBU solely with hop flavour.

#23 Pumping it up for pumpkin
December 09, 2019

Each year it seems like we’re willing to accept a bit more eccentricity with our beer and not even bat an eye while drinking the latest blueberry IPA or milkshake-flavoured stout. But mention pumpkin beer and the eyes roll back,