Braid Mission

Braid Mission

Latest Episodes

4/24/16: Chicken, Egg, or Holy Spirit?
April 24, 2016

As we hear the story of Peter encountering the Holy Spirit where he least expected it, we wonder which comes first: the Spirit's presence, or our invocation of it?

4/3/16: Sharing Our Wounds
April 03, 2016

In the story of "Doubting Thomas," the evidence of Jesus's trauma makes him recognizable to one of his closest followers and friends after the resurrection. What does this mean for those of us who represent the body of Christ? With special...

Easter 2016: Remembering Resurrection
March 27, 2016

We all experience cycles of death and resurrection over and over in our earthly journeys. In our Easter podcast, we reflect on the communities of love and support that help us emerge from the tombs of difficulty and trauma into new life.

3/20/16: Celebrating the Extremes
March 20, 2016

As the church begins its remembrance of Jesus's last days before his death, we wonder how fully celebrating the joyful and triumphant moments of life inspires and enables us to walk into darker and more challenging moments as well.

3/6/16: The Prodigal Parent
March 06, 2016

As we reflect on Jesus' parable of the prodigal son, we explore what it might look like if the roles were reversed, as they often are for foster youth who are reunited with their parents.

2/28/16: "We Are"
February 28, 2016

With God's encouragement, Moses found his voice, his sense of identity, and capabilities he never dreamed of. We reflect on the work of our friends at California Youth Connection and all the ways we empower each other in community. 

3/8/15: A New Generation
February 20, 2016

This week we reflect on the Ten Commandments in light of what we have learned about the experience of being in foster care.

3/15/15: What If?
February 20, 2016

This week we reflect on hearing one of the co-founders of Pixar speak last week and how that influenced how we hear the letter to the Ephesians. Learn about Moore's Law. Listen to Alvy Ray Smith's talk at Grace Cathedral (scroll down for the audio...

3/29/15: Obedience and Emptying in Holy Week
February 20, 2016

As we walk into Holy Week, we reflect on what the letter to the Hebrews tells us about Jesus' example of obedience and emptying of himself.

Easter 2015: Proclaiming Resurrection
February 20, 2016

As we celebrate an Easter that is very different for both of us, we reflect on a few of the angels we have encountered who proclaim new life and resurrection in their ministry to youth in foster care.