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'Booch News

KBI Update with Kendra Sepulveda

March 22, 2024

Kendra stepped up to lead KBI in January after Hannah Crum moved on. She recently spoke with Booch News about the latest developments at Kombucha Brewers International. Listen to the podcast to hear the latest. Highlights include:

Seal Program

The KBI Seal Verified Seal Program has been launched. It’s open to all, not only KBI members. Expect to see the labels on products starting in 2025.

Regional KKON meetings

Instead of the multi-day conferences of past years, a series of one-day regional KKON events are planned. Following the March 12 meeting at Local Roots in San Diego, the next is in Reno, Nevada, on May 7-8. There will be virtual access tickets available.

On the very same weekend KBI will present at the VLB Symposium on Acidic Fermented Non-Alcoholic Beverages in Berlin, Germany.

Also, save the date of October 28 for a regional event in Barcelona.

Kombucha in Europe

The kombucha market in Europe is growing. There’s great potential in different countries.


Listen to the podcast to hear Kendra’s update.

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