Bone and Sickle

Bone and Sickle

Latest Episodes

The Spook House
October 01, 2023

The Spook House, an 1899 short story by Ambrose Bierce is suitably spooky for the season, but not in the way you expect.It was a favorite of H. P. Lovecraft, who praised its terrible hints of a sho

September 18, 2023

The lore of graveyard-haunting ghouls is unexpectedly best explained in a seminal work on the subject of werewolves. We hear in this episode from the 1865 volume,The Book of Were-Wolves, by Sabine Ba

Announcement: Listener Trick-or-Treat
September 12, 2023

A special short announcement regarding Trick-or-treat by mail option for listeners joining Patreon. Find out how you can receive a hand-packed candy bag from the home of Bone and Sickle Podcast. Eac

Six Witches
August 30, 2023

Six historical witchcraft cases as related in the 1880 volume by James Grant, The Mysteries of All Nations, Rise and Progress of Superstition, Laws Against and Trials of Witches, Ancient and Modern De

A House Struck by Lightning and Other Curiosities
August 18, 2023

Marvel and cringe at this collection of curious cases presented from a favorite Victorian volume. Tonights episode includes a bit of proto-Forteana, namely the anomolies left in the wake of a particu

A Viking Funeral
August 01, 2023

Scenes of fiery Viking funerals have been woven into any number of literary and cinematic tales, but sources on the topic are limited. In this episode, we hear from whats probably the definitive sou

“Ancient Lights” by Algernon Blackwood
July 13, 2023

Why not enjoy a reading of Algernon Blackwoods Ancient Lights before wandering off into those summery woods a classic work of Weird Fiction read and dramatized with sound and music from your imag

Russian Vampire Tales
July 01, 2023

The folklore of Russian vampires describes a creature slightly different than what were accustomed. In tonights show we share a number of traditional tales from the1873 volume Russian Folk-Tales b

Swan-Upping and Other Curious British Customs
June 18, 2023

Explore some curious British Customs with us, including those of Midsummer, swan-upping,egg-hopping, St. Bartholomews knives, and the violent tradition of St. Michaelmas ganging. Our source for th

Malignant Vapor
May 30, 2023

A malignant vapor, weird plagues and punishments, a Polish dwarf, and a perilous journey into the lightless depths of a pyramid all included in thispleasantly macabre collection of short tales from