Marketing The Invisible

Marketing The Invisible

How to Serve 10x the Clients in Half the Time – In Just 7 Minutes with Jason Van Orden

December 21, 2023

Why you’ve got to check out today’s episode 

  • Find out what is your signature process and how it can cut your time in half while increasing sales
  • Discover why making the switch from a one-to-one model to a one-to-many model is important for your business
  • Learn more about the importance of solidifying your signature process in managing your time and business



Do you want to know how you can increase your sales by serving more clients in half the time and stress?

Having a model isn’t enough if you are more stressed, losing prospects, and often caught up in it. A one-to-one model may sound the best, but having your very own signature process (and maybe, even switching to a one-to-many model) can promise you more leads and more profit at a lesser time and cost.

Jason Van Orden helps coaches and consultants create group programs that serve ten times the clients and cut their workload in half without sacrificing client results.

Make sure you’ve got your pen and paper ready as Jason talks about how you can create your very own signature process that can guarantee you more clients without sacrificing any of your current progress or sales. He also shares his secrets on how you switch to a one-to-many model at ease!

Check out these episode highlights:

  • 02:29 - Jason’s ideal client: It's that coach or consultant doing great work for a while. They know who their ideal client is. They know how to get some really good results.

  • 03:16 - The problem he helps solve: It’s serving more people in less time, but not sacrificing the results either. I know that coaches and consultants get into business because they want to change people's lives.

  • 05:12 - The symptoms of the problem: So they're feeling pulled between, "Okay, I'm marketing and finding new leads. Okay, now I'm trying to sell to bring people in. Okay, now I got to serve those clients," right? And there's these different parts of our business. 

  • 07:08 - Clients’ common mistakes before consulting Jason: So there's one or two that I see the most often. One is thinking, "Hey, I'm so valuable to my clients. I have to be in the room. It's me being intuitive. I'm integral to the process."

  • 08:39 - Jason’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): The first thing is to start defining your signature process. So how do you do that? Well, start breaking down and noticing the themes and how you guide them from here to there and think of it in terms of milestones.

  • 10:15 - Q: How did the universe start? Where did it all come from? A: Actually, I don't know. But I love thinking about it as much as I can, like, why are we here?

Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:

“Your ideas can be turned into a system where that becomes the star of the show. That becomes the thing that your clients are buying into.” - Jason Van Orden