Board Game Impact

Board Game Impact

Episode 53 – Thawed Out

March 01, 2021

In this episode Bruce has finally thawed out in Texas and although he lost power several times he is thankful because board games don't require power so he was able to get in even more gaming. Together Bruce and Josh talk about what they have been playing recently as well as some of what they have backed or are excited about on Kickstarter. Enjoy!

Specific Games Discussed:

* Root (Leder Games)* Sleeping Gods (Red Raven Games)* Merlin (Queen Games)* Canvas (Road To Infamy)

Kickstarters and coming soon things

* Darwin's Journey (Thundergryph)* Maquis 2nd Edition (Side Room Games)* Terraforming Mars: Ares Expedition (Stronghold Games)* Radlands (Roxley)* Clinic 2nd & 3rd Extensions (AV Studio)* CoraQuest (Dan & Cora Hughes)* Crafting Arzium (Zoom Out Media)* Meeples & Monsters (AEG)* War Chest: Seige Expansion (AEG)* Red Rising (Stonemaier Games)

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Audio Transcription (Generated by AI)

Episode 53 Thawed Out

00:00:08 - 00:05:03

In this episode of board game impacts. We're going to be talking about a whole bunch of kick starters and gains. You've been playing reselling now that we've been thought out here in texas a stay tuned. Welcome back to another episode of board game impact. Of course my name is bruce. And i'm joined by. This is josh. Josh and so we are recording I just want to give a quick caveat before we get started so the episode that came out last week. This is yeah. It's only been a week. And that is because texas froze over for a week and so thank you for understanding this kind of like weird schedule just one put that out there because literally there's rolling quote unquote rolling blackouts across the state and for many people. It wasn't rolling and there's still power and things like that and so if you're listening to this and the state of texas we just want to say and you're still having some ongoing things or friends who are just wanted to say like. Hey i hope all that gets worked out fast and that you are safe and that we are here with you and this is one of those times. That josh is getting put out there. Very thankful to be aboard gamer. Because when the power went out for hours on end i was able to get in some games and just opened up the blinds in the snow. The snow reflected the the sun pretty well so we can get some games so actually have more games than i was planning to even be able to talk about things going on. That's good right. Glad you found found some ways to entertain while you were there definitely elizabeth and i were thinking about you a lot over the last weekend of course Sitting all of our thoughts and well wishes to all of our listeners and everyone Down there in texas I know that that is a struggle I can only imagine what some folks have been going through so Yeah glad here that you Are doing well. I'm glad to hear that that caitlin is doing well and Hope hope everyone else out. There is also making through in this Very very strange times very much and by strange like you can't be like you're right on the money because literally four days ago it was negative one. And it's now seventy so it is just crazy. What's been nice this out there. I'm on a couple email threads with fellow geeks. Who board game geek. Things and it's been really nice having people like reach out and see this community come together and so ...
