Board Game Impact

Board Game Impact

Episode 48 – 2020 Holiday Wishlist

December 22, 2020

Tis the season and Bruce & Josh talk about their holiday wishlists. In addition Bruce and Josh share some reflections on 2020 to be thankful for and well wishes for the start of the new year.

Specific Games Discussed:

* Clash of Cultures: Monumental Edition (WizKids)* Twilight Imperium 4th Edition: Prophecy of Kings Expansion* Warhammer 40K Battlezone Manufactorum Sanctum Administratus (Games Workshop)* Memoir 44 (Days of Wonder)* Animal Adventures: Dungeons & Doggies Volume 1* Star Wars Unlock (Space Cowboys)* Maracaibo (Games Up)* Tapestry Plans & Ploys Expansion (Stonemaier)* Warhammer Warcry (Games Workshop)* Yokohama (TMG)* Tawantinsuyu (Board and Dice)

Contest -

Secret Giveaway code "ALLIANCE"

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Audio Transcript (Generated by AI)

00:00:18 - 00:05:01

hello and welcome to another episode of board game impact as always. This is bruce. And i'm joined by ho ho ho. This is josh and we hope that no matter where you're listening to this from that you are able to celebrate the holidays. Whichever those are we just happened to have this music for this but no matter what holiday you choose to celebrate. Or don't we're just so thankful to get to have these winter seasons together and spend time together and just come together as friends and family and all this time and we had two thousand twenty has been a heck of a year so coming together whether virtually things like that. It's really important so we encourage you to do this. And that's why we're gonna do this episode so josh. What are we doing for this episode. Well bruce for this episode. We're gonna talk about what are the games. We are hoping. Make it under our tree this year. Exactly so for us. Josh do both and our families both do celebrate christmas but regardless it's really just the spirit of giving and so that's why we thought this would be cool just here what things we're looking forward to but in this different vein of light and so i think it's important to start us off not with what we want. But how do we ask for it. And by the way real quick if this is your first episode of ward game impact first. It's a very different than normal. The second of all what. We are biweekly. Podcast on gaming and joshua both work fulltime in higher education and we apply those educational lenses to our gaming experiences to break them down for the benefit of union game group. That sounds like something of interest to you like. Make sure to subscribe. And if you wanna learn more about us and see like behind the scenes stuff you can also head over to board game. Impact dot com to learn that or check out the patriots patriot. Patriots dot com. Such him back but with that being said josh. How the heck do we even tell people about what we want for the holidays or birthday. Whatever what do you do so this is really challenging for me. And i thinks probably something. That's challenging for a lot of gamers out there especially if you are interested in things revolve around gaming and you have family that may not really understand or be involved in the hobby So one thing that that my family does. And it's just become our thing. Is we have each of us have an amazon wishlist t...
