Board Game Impact

Board Game Impact

Episode 45 – Dune Imperium Pre-Order & Aesthetic Value

November 09, 2020

In this episode Bruce was inspired by the design of the Dune Imperium pre-order and conversation from the epistemology video/podcast episode to shed more light on aspects of aesthetic value. This premiered first on the Board Game Impact YouTube page, but the content transfers well to the audio format. The reason for this different kind of episode is because of the life happenings that occurred for Bruce which he discusses at the intro, and thanks you for understanding. We hope you get excited for this different type of content over on the YouTube page and would love to hear from you about your thoughts/ideas!

Specific Game Discussed:

* Dune Imperium (Dire Wolf Digital)

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Audio Transcription (Generated by AI)

00:00:12 - 00:05:10

How everybody in this episode. Bruce is going to talk about the dune imperium preorder and aesthetic value stay tuned. Well how do you everybody. This is bruce with board game impact. It's just me today if you listen to last week's episode then you know kind of what's up but if this is your first episode. Welcome this one's going to be a little different than normal podcast episodes but that being said what we do over here. Impact is josh. I both work fulltime in higher education. I also teach some classes of the university. And i'm getting peachy and so what we're doing. Is we apply our educational lenses to the game experiences and games we playing and the game content we are consuming too then analyze it for your benefit and present that back to you for you and your gaming group so hopefully you can make informed choices about your experiences in the hobby and so with that being said this twenty twenty s been just weird for everybody. Let's just put it that way. And if you're listening to this in the future this is coming out at the beginning of november and we're still in the midst of the pandemic and also now all the election stuff so yes just look back on this with a grain of salt. And so what's going on to is as i talked about last week's intro i. We've josh and i both had some things. I was sick for a while. As well as i just had a family member pass in these last two weeks so i've been pulled away for family things which made scheduling regular episodes with a little difficult. And i thank you for understanding that. But that being said i have also had moments of inspiration and it's been this one of these cathartic releases of doing these things to do something uplifting while also attending all these family things which you can imagine having these spurts of emotion and feelings both that being said last week so it talked about What's called the what is knowledge and it was a crash course based on some conversations. I encourage you to go. Listen to that one. But as i mentioned i was going to be doing is this one is all about the dune imperium preorder and this actually stems from conversations in the youtube comments for that last episode so the youtube video for the last episode actually came first and then there was some conversation. Hey lean into this thing on value a little bit more. We'd like that. And i have many more ideas of different types of content of essentially combining my phd work. As well as the sport game content and trying to mash that up and present that back of cure some lessons and so. I've got some really cool things. I'm working on but to be one hundred percent transparent.
