The Official BNI Podcast

The Official BNI Podcast

Latest Episodes

Episode 787: Credibility, the 2nd “C”
December 07, 2022

Have you ever referred business to a person you weren't confident was trustworthy? Of course not. That's why Credibility is the second "C".

Episode 786: The Butterfly Effect (Classic Podcast)
November 30, 2022

A small interaction can have big effects down the line. Never hesitate to make new connections. They can take you places you never imagined.

Episode 785: Inviting to BNI is Child’s Play
November 23, 2022

Why is a BNI meeting like a child's birthday party? As Shawn Yesner discovered when his son turned five, the best invitation is a simple one.

Episode 784: Nonprofits in BNI?
November 16, 2022

Joshua Levy, executive director of the nonprofit Joshua's Stage, joins Dr. Misner to share his take on how membership works for nonprofits.

Episode 783: Are You Passionate about Your Business?
November 09, 2022

LuAnn Buchler joins Dr. Misner to talk about why passion is the key to your success in both business and networking.

Episode 782: The Gratitude Effect (Classic)
November 02, 2022

There's solid scientific evidence to support the positive impact gratitude has on our lives and our businesses.

Episode 781: Make a Difference in the World
October 26, 2022

Whether you're a Doer, a Donor, or a Door Opener, you can do your part for Business Voices and the BNI Foundation.

Episode 780: Launch Love Worldwide
October 19, 2022

Launch Love Worldwide is a campaign that celebrates human connection and the opportunities that BNI chapter launches can create.

Episode 779: Enrolled, Not Sold
October 12, 2022

Scott deMoulin joins Dr. Misner today to share the good news that generating referrals is about enrollment, not selling.

Episode 778: Humility Makes for a Great Networker (Classic Podcast)
October 05, 2022

Humility and success are not mutually exclusive. This week, Dr. Misner shares nine ways that great networkers demonstrate their humility.
