She Leads Confidently

She Leads Confidently

Latest Episodes

Epi #61 Lessons Learned Podcasting
September 10, 2021

From a Fearless Novice I learned so many lessons podcasting it would take forever to review. I was a novice podcaster. Filler with confidence, but that was it.  I have no idea how any of it wo

Epi 60 What You Say Determines Your Outcome
August 29, 2021

The Universe Reacts We hear it all the time. People saying What you think about you will bring about. And that is a universal fact. A lesser-known, but I think more impactful, are the words p

Epi #59 Shadow and True Transformation
August 25, 2021

Making real change within When people transform their lives it must involves shadow work at some point in time. Until people get to the root of the issue holding them back makes it is very hard

Epi #58 It is Your Choice!
August 13, 2021

Choose to Own Your Power! It has always been your choice. You choose what you desire they say. Ask the Universe, visualize it happening, stay positive, and it will appear.  When I first hear

Epi #57 Simone Biles – Goat & World Changer
August 04, 2021

Her calling was Greater than she knew. I think everyone on this planet know the Simone Bile sat out most of the Olympics with mental health issues. As the Goat in the world of Gymnastics she co

Epi #56 Build Your Confidence Through Shadow Work
July 05, 2021

Blue Rose System for Shadow Work How often do you notice the confidence person FIRST? I think everyone notices confident people first and are drawn to them. Why? People they enter a room. Not w

Epi #55 God, Religion and Me
July 02, 2021

Spent years Trying to answer this Question. I have spent years trying to understand my visceral reaction to religion. I was 100% there with a higher power, but organized religion was a struggle

Why one family member is a superstar and the other not?
June 24, 2021

Successful people and the G.O.O.D. Method How you ever wondered how two brothers or sisters from the same family are no equals in say sports? Serena vs Venus. Stephen Curry or Seth Curry? Let’s take Stephen and Seth Curry.

Epi #53 You are the Co-Creator of YOUR Life
June 19, 2021

Take Charge. You are the co-creator of your life. You and God. Together you bring into your life all you think you deserve. When I first heard this, I thought no way. I desire more, I dream of more, I visualize more,

Epi #52 How to Recognize a Childhood Shadow Imprint
June 15, 2021

What is Your Truth ? Everyone has Shadows. Shadows are blurry blocks that hold them back from who they were born to be. These are the repressed pieces of our soul that others didn't accept back when you were 4, 5, 10, 15 etc.