She Leads Confidently

She Leads Confidently

Latest Episodes

Epi #71 Empower Your Vocabulary for Success
March 01, 2022

Words have power. Text Words have power. Words spoken whether out loud or to yourself have power. The spoken voice has an energy, a vibration, that moves into the universe. This vibration s

Epi #70 Eliminate the Blame Game
January 17, 2022

Take Back Your Personal Power Stop blaming others for your life. Your failures or foibles. Taking back your personal power starts with accepting you. Understanding who you are deep with, at you

#69 Who Am I, Really
January 05, 2022

Know Thyself Who am I, Now? Take time to know whyself. Setting down to do my yearly goal setting January 3 as I do every year. The first question is ask is who am I. I learned well rather ad

Epi #68 What is Your One Reason?
December 15, 2021

Your Burning Desire! It is very hard to get up at 4:30 am to exercise, work on your book, coach an overseas client or just start your day. If you don’t know your reason for accomplishing all yo

#67 What Your Judge in Others
November 21, 2021

Will Come Back at You Judging other people’s looks, actions, money, how they talk, and weight is a human issue. No other animal on the planet judges others like humans. Unfortunately, too many

Epi #66 Are You Afraid of Being Seen?
November 08, 2021

Find Yourself playing a smaller game? There are too many people who fear being seen. This usually developed from highly critical parents or someone in your life as a child. It didn't matter wha

Epi #65 ReConnect, ReCreate and ReClaim Your Confidence
November 04, 2021

ReAwaken Your Powerful Self Text Here (Paragraph) Confidence is a moving target. One day you are the most confident woman you know and the next day you're hiding. You just don't know how to

Epi #64 Nas Echeverria: Business Strategist
October 06, 2021

Next Level Up CEO Nas Echeverria is a strategy coach who helps women find the confidence to uplevel their business. She teaches how to develop a framework for their program. Nas spent over 18 y

Epi 63 Confidence Trapped?
September 28, 2021

Stop looking backwards Confidence trapped is a far too common phenomenon. Way too many people get stuck in a moment when their life is shining bright. Score the winning touchdown. Or the winn

Epi #62 Hero’s Journey and You.
September 14, 2021

Your Story of Transformation Joseph Campbell, while studying Greek mythology, found a constant theme. An overarching theme that makes the story more compelling.  Once you learn the steps, it c