She Leads Confidently

She Leads Confidently

Latest Episodes

Everything is Overcomeable
October 30, 2019

Everyone is life runs into blocks in their life. It can be money, relationships, jobs, health but those with the mindset Everything is Overcomeable achieve more. Having that mindset of self belief will carry people further then they ever imagined.

Welcome to the Blue Rose Podcast
October 30, 2019

Blue Rosie Podcast is a show dedicated to women seeking understanding of who they are, now. The host, Karen Barno interviews high powered, successful women in business. Together they discuss the paths they took on their journey along with their stories...

What are Shadows and why do I call them childhood Shadow Imprints. Hint...CSI.
October 28, 2019

On this podcast we discuss childhood shadows or as I call them, childhood shadow imprints. What they are and how they hold you back. When you are able to heal them your Gift of Why will be discovered and you will find your purpose and passion,
