She Leads Confidently

She Leads Confidently

Latest Episodes

Now is the Time to Build Value and Trust in your Business
March 18, 2020

You got to give to get During these crazy times, everyone seems to be cutting back. The economy is constricting as unemployment is rising. I see more people becoming fearful. Small businesses need to be proactive and stay in front of their custom...

Winner Never Quit, Quitters Never Win
March 04, 2020

Believe in You and keep going. I love studying human behaviors. If you really want to see how humans behave and an election season. Some people lead, others follow. Who is mentally strong and not?

Your Second Mountain can be Messy.
February 25, 2020

For the first time, many women will have a choice of what business to start. Women who are 55 - 80 took jobs that worked for their schedules. Child care, after work events, taking care of the house. Plus women had only started entering the work ...

It’s all in the Story You Tell in Your Business
February 07, 2020

Your gift is hidden within your story. It's the meaning that is placed that you place on this story that makes the tale applicable. Everyone has a story. How does it get you to the purpose of your business?

Mindset determines Your Success or Failure
January 31, 2020

Mindset Matters. Own your mindset When starting a new business, job, heck meeting a new friend, most allow their inner voice to win. Convince them they don't belong. They cancel or they go and don't have a good time.

The Imposter Syndrome is real and could be what’s​ holding You back.
January 20, 2020

Is this what is holding you back from your dreams? Do you keep trying to move forward yet always feel like an Imposter? Your belief is that your never good enough, smart enough, and, well the list goes on.

Business Sweet Spot & Niche
January 15, 2020

Many people dream of owning their own business. When they sit down to really think about what to focus on they get caught in the weeds. Unsure what passion to follow or listen to a coach who 'helps' them select the correct one.

Decade Recap
December 10, 2019

Time for Part 1 of my decade recap. It’s difficult to decide where you are now or want to go without looking back. Take the time over the next few days to evaluate the past 10 years.  What did you accomplish? What new things did you try?