She Leads Confidently

She Leads Confidently

Epi #103 Identity Shift and Meeting the Moment of Transformation

February 26, 2023

Hello, and welcome to this video blog about the difference between an identity shift and transformation when making changes in your life. First, let’s define what we mean by these terms. An identity shift refers to a change in how we see ourselves, our beliefs, and our values. It involves a shift in our sense of identity and who we believe ourselves to be. On the other hand, transformation involves a significant change in our behavior and habits, resulting in a significant change in our lives.

Now, it’s essential to understand that an identity shift can lead to transformation, but not all identity shifts necessarily result in transformation. For example, if you identify as a smoker and you make the shift to identify as a non-smoker, but you don’t change your behavior, you won’t experience transformation. Transformation requires action, and it’s the actions we take that create lasting change. Identifying as a non-smoker is the first step, but it’s the decision to quit smoking and take action toward that goal that creates transformation.

So, how do we create lasting change in our lives? We start by identifying the beliefs and values that are holding us back and making an intentional shift in how we see ourselves. For example, if you’ve always identified as someone who is bad with money but you want to change that, start by identifying as someone who is financially responsible.

Next, take action toward your new identity. If you want to be financially responsible, start by creating a budget and sticking to it. Take steps towards paying off debt and saving for the future. Remember, creating lasting change requires both an identity shift and transformational action. When we change how we see ourselves and take action toward our goals, we can create a life that aligns with our true selves. So, start by identifying the beliefs and values that are holding you back and make an intentional shift toward your true identity.

Then, take action towards your goals, and watch as your life transforms in ways you never thought possible. I hope this video blog has been helpful in understanding the difference between an identity shift and transformation when making changes in your life. Remember, you have the power to create lasting change in your life.