She Leads Confidently

She Leads Confidently

Epi. #97 Self-image and manifesting.

December 30, 2022

The SECRET to magically manifest your dreams

I’m often asked how manifesting and self-image go together. Let me explain how to make magic and find your blue rose. Let’s use creating more financial abundance in your life as an example. You wanted to manifest $5,000 in December by selling your online course.

You follow the common three steps: first, ask the Universe for $5000 or to your highest good by December 31. In return, you’ll offer your fantastic course with a few extras.   

Step #2 Believe it. You believe it with all your heart… for about an hour or so. Maybe into the next day, but then you talk yourself out of it. Who am I to sell a course? I’m not a teacher. It doesn’t really hit the mark. I don’t know who my audience is. I’m a faker, a poser. It was way too expensive. There is. Recession is looming people are interested in personal development. My neighbor says no one is buying online courses they want to be back in person.

In other words, the negative self-talk inner monster gets going. Positivity be gone! Self-doubt, limiting beliefs, and shadows all create a toxic mix of negativity.

Manifesting must live in an environment of positivity. That’s why the step is called believe it. They should have added… Believe it with a POSITIVE heart. Each negative statement to thought required two positive thoughts to override the negative.

This is the step where 75% of people fail. Their self-image is so poor they don’t think they deserve it, are not worth it, never provide any value, and the list goes on.

This is the reason I offer Shadow Coaching. Helping women discover what is churring within, then override the negative monster and visualize with complete conviction receiving your request.

Step #3 Receive it. But are you? When the person tells you they Venmo the money or mail the check (I know who mails checks).  You are ready for the money to come flooding in. Maybe for a period of time, but then you know what happens. The negative self-image monster comes to visit.

This is precisely how your self-image can get in the way.

Fast manifesting technique…for every negative thought, say two positive thoughts. Trust me, it works.

If you are interested in working together, I teach techniques to navigate your past by accessing and transforming their shadows to create the future selves they have always envisioned. I help them live more fulfilling and authentic lives.