She Leads Confidently

She Leads Confidently

Epi #93 Heidi Jorgensen Begeot. Women in Leadership

November 12, 2022

Heidi’s leadership journey began working in various positions in a nursing home, involved laying cement (a great lesson for leaders), and took a turn to high-performance coaching.

Heidi offered great tips on time management that all leaders can implement in their daily life. Especially with the holidays fast approaching, these timely tips will help team members better manage their time and emotion. Emotions are energy, and she spent time explaining how to give yourself a natural energy boost. Peak performers know how to instantly raise their energy level as needed.

Heidi also has a great PDF to help leaders understand their goals and align their to-dos with these goals. This podcast is note-taking worthy. Bring your note-taking device and be prepared to learn to go on a leadership adventure.

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