She Leads Confidently

She Leads Confidently

Epi #90 Be Free in 2023

October 16, 2022

Reclaim Your Voice.

Be free in 2023

2023 is just 70+ days away. Now is the time to develop a plan for the 4th quarter and 2023. What will you do in 2023? What will you create? Work at? Start? Success is always located in line with the plan. What is not planned does not get done.

I’m spending this week with a successful woman business coach crafting my 2023 vision. I’m excited to work with someone who has successfully done it in their own business. Over the years, I’ve set goals and my plan alone. And I am nowhere close to where I want to be. I realized that when you want to play a bigger game, find those you wish to and learn from. Successful people love to mentor people thirsty for knowledge.

Join my free Facebook group, Spiritual Confidence, where I post teaching videos to help women #BEFREEIN2023 leading up to and into New Year’s Eve. 

If you are ready to break through and own your 2023, set up a 2-hour strategy call with me. We will work together to start by setting your intentions, developing your BHAG goal, deciding your goal markers, then making a plan on how you will accomplish these goals.


Let’s get to work so you can Find Your Blue Rose. Step into your calling.

Everyone has a specific calling and a purpose. Once you rediscover your confidence, you can rewire your inner voice and reclaim your personal power.