She Leads Confidently

She Leads Confidently

Eli #91 I Gotta be Me

October 09, 2022

Be true to yourself

I have spent 2-3 years thinking, healing, and becoming the best version of myself today. 2019 was a year filled with changes, some good but most, not good.

I watched someone I knew descend into drugs and alcohol, staffing turmoil, and an extremely sick daughter to finish 2019. (That was the beginning of COVID; however, the general public didn’t know it was here until 2020. That could be a different podcast.)

During COVID, I was the only person at the office and had a lot of time to think. I had large Post-it boards all around the office as I tried to figure my stuff out. Notes, comments, goals, dreams, etc. Some dreams/goals made the final cut but most ended up in the trash can. I am sure the janitorial staff and UPS drivers thought an insane person worked there when they stopped by.