She Leads Confidently

She Leads Confidently

Curling toes to stop stuttering.

July 21, 2022

Mindset matters.

After walking off the stage after my Power of Positivity presentation, an older gentleman sat discreetly by the exit waiting patiently to speak with me. The story he told me brought tears to my eyes, and 100% confirmed what I always knew…the amazing power of the mind. 

I often talk of my speech impediment, where I have trouble saying the letters R and S. How my English teacher encouraged me to do public speaking. Not letting a ‘small’ issue cause me not to go after my dreams. At that time, my speech was an impediment as not a small issue until she showed it was. 

This gentleman told me was a paid speaker who has spoken worldwide. Both across the pond and in America. He spoke deliberately as he told me about his amazing career. He told me how my presentation hit home, and he had to tell his story. 

He has a speech impediment as well. When he was in school, HIS English teacher encouraged him not to quit. She told him that if he trusted her, she could show him how not to stutter when he spoke. Of course, he waited eagerly for the miracle she was about to offer.

She told him to curl his toes when he got up to speak. He had no idea how that would work, but he tried it. And he DID NOT stutter. And from that moment on, when he does public speaking, he curls his toes.

What an amazing story! Mindset matters.