She Leads Confidently

She Leads Confidently

Fear being Seen in Your business?

June 21, 2022

Patterns may be getting in your way.

I fear too many women want to be seen while fear being seen. This dichotomy creates chaos in many ways. It rules people’s lives, and most don’t know it. Heck, it took me years to see the pattern I was running. Do coaching, someone comments, I stop advertising. When someone says they listened to my podcast I would stop for a few weeks. Then reengage. It has wreaked havoc in my life both professionally and in business. 

Many women over 50 spent their lives being told to be seen but not heard. Conversely, as they age they want to be seen and heard. Often, they get caught in feeling empowered and fear of being seen. Being seen does mean different things to different people. For me, it meant getting yelled at for ‘being a showoff.’ That’s how my mother viewed it. My dad on the other hand thought it was pretty cool.

This fear has held me back in so many ways it pains me to think about it.

Can you relate? What patterns do you have wrapped around being seen?

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