She Leads Confidently

She Leads Confidently

Epi #79 Does Your Money Mindset Keep You from Moving Forward?

May 17, 2022

What keeps you stuck in place?

Does your money mindset hold you back? Too many women have a malfunctioning financial thermostat. What exactly is this? The self-belief that you can only earn xxx amount of money. For instance, a business owner holds a belief that in order to make $500,000 people must work 16 hours a day 7 days a week. This person doesn’t have any desire to work 16 hours a day so they will never make more than $200,000.

Another person could never seem to break the $75,000 line. Every time she would get close something would happen. Pay raise delayed, she went for a title instead of, and finally changed jobs. She could never understand how her friends made more than her, yet she worked harder than most. After some discussion she realized that no one in her family ever made more than $75,000-80,000.

After some coaching she was able to reset her thermostat to $200,000 just to start. How? To change 1) understand what the number represents 2) where did it come from family? relatives? friends? TV show etc. 3) how she defined work and 4) her value system.

Work is however you define it. What working hard may meant to you could mean something completely different to someone else. Or you can thing $300,000 is a ton of money yet your best friend thinks $3 million is a lot of money. Money is the exchange of energy from one person to another.

Believe that money is unlimited, and it will be. Conversely believe it is hard to earn and keep and that will play out as truth.

What is your financial thermostat? Look at your income over the past 5 years and there is your answer.

Have a question? Reach out on my FB Group, Next Level Confidence and ask.

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