She Leads Confidently

She Leads Confidently

Epi #78 Stop the Victim Mindset

May 06, 2022

ReIgnite Your Possibilities

Are you ready to move away from the victim mindset? Too many women find comfort in victimhood. Now I know saying ‘find comfort is a trigger from some of you. However, staying stuck in the past as a victim will not help ladies go where they deeply desire to be.  

It’s hard to put the past back in the past but there are tools and techniques to learn Being stuff in victimhood holds people back from going all-in on their dreams. They believe they can’t achieve their magnificent vision, so they continue to play small. Playing small really serves no one. When in fact that creates an even larger victim footprint. 

Instead commenting to that childhood victim and healing her is the path to take Regardless of how painful that road may be.

I have spent years healing my past and yet the victim still shows up uninvited. Also, with her negative self-talk about what a loser I am. I’ve had to learn how to ignore that voice and instead go to the voice that tells me I’m amazing. How wonderful I am. Yes, it’s my subconscious and I’ve had to work hard to train that talk but I did. Yet it still dips into the negative on occasion. #Subconciousisreal

One of the first steps in learning to quickly close off that negative self-talk. This takes commitment, patience, and a strong desire to reclaim your power. When my clients decide it’s time to own their power it’s because they understand the power of the subconscious and the past. 

Reigniting a new story that better supports the person you want to be, rather than the person you are is a wonderful, scary, fulfilling, hard yet joyful journey. 

Reclaim your power and Reawaken to your Possibilities.