She Leads Confidently

She Leads Confidently

Epi $75 None of Your Business What People Think about YOU.

April 06, 2022

Mind your business

What people think about you is none of your business. Way too many of us worry about what others say think or act towards us. It took me years to understand it’s not my business.

Caring about what others think about me bothers me and in turn, undermines my mindset. When you worry about what others are thinking it erodes your confidence.

Make you hesitate from moving forward with your dreams. The reason why it’s truly none of your business is you can not control another view of their world. And your role in that world.

Each person has a worldview filled with beliefs, judgments, and prejudices. One person may view you in one light while another in a totally different way. I know this sounds offbeat, nonsensical, but flipping your thinking to support you is the key to personal happiness…and success,