She Leads Confidently

She Leads Confidently

Epi #72 The Power of Your Story

March 14, 2022

Does your story support or hold you back?

The stories from our past can either support us or hinder us. Women far too often get lost, stuck in the negative part of their story. Perhaps she has had many successes, but that one situation or trauma dominates her memory. Instead of a great empowered story she had developed, she always talks about that bad outcome.

I can relate. Even though I was abused as a child, I didn’t get stuck there. I went on to have many successes except for a bad accident and a huge hospital bill. The hospital bill plus my boss at Radio Shack stealing my page check created a big hole in my finances. Then between the depression and drinking, I ended up losing everything. I found myself homeless.

Fast forward many years later, I am a CEO who helped start and grow assisted living in Arizona.   Do I tell the story of starting a new industry? The ups and downs lobbying locally and in DC, raising money, traveling the state building a network, becoming the voice of assisted living? 

Nope, I fixed on the fact that I was homeless. That was the story I told myself. Not that I was resilient as heck to overcome that and achieve other things. Nope, that I was homeless.

Over the years, I learned to reconnect to this core story, recreate it, and reclaim my power. The story I now tell is one the Everything is Overcomeable. 

I have coached over a hundred women 1:1, and we always start with the story they tell themselves. Once we heal that story, their confidence goes to the next level!

If you are ready to Reconnect, Recreate and Reclaim your Power, let’s get to work.

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