She Leads Confidently

She Leads Confidently

#71 Opportunity Only Knocks Once

March 09, 2022

Be Ready to Take Action

Do you want to make a change in your life, but find yourself hesitant and unsure of what steps to take? Learn how to recognize the signs when an opportunity presents itself.

Opportunity will knock on your door once. If you choose not to open the door or pass thinking it will return, it will not. Opportunity sometimes knocks so softly you hear it as a whisper or see it in a dream. Or times, it’s a scream. Or a bad outcome. Regardless of how it shows up, please do not ignore it. Trust that the Universe will always align in your favor if you show you are ready. When ready, it’s like the universe conspires to help you achieve your goals.

Ask, and you shall receive, however, the key is… you must believe.