She Leads Confidently

She Leads Confidently

#67 What Your Judge in Others

November 21, 2021

Will Come Back at You

Judging other people’s looks, actions, money, how they talk, and weight is a human issue. No other animal on the planet judges others like humans. Unfortunately, too many were judged as children and carried that forward.  

There is one negative, actually, a very negative outcome from judging others harshly. What you see in others that you dislike is contained within you. It’s a Universal law that what you see in others is a reflection if you see something you don’t like –within you. So when you see something in someone else you wish you had, guess what, you do!  

Using the Judging technique is an excellent method to use when looking to make transformations in your life. Areas you may be stuck, blocked, or looking for Shadows hidden within. It is always Clue Alert when you have an adverse reaction to outside stimuli. Take the time and ask why you dislike that trait. What is the response you have to it, and how did it make you feel? Was it a visceral reaction? 

Sit with the emotion and look back at when you experienced that same emotion when you had the same outcome. Once you can see the story, the next step begins. Tell yourself a different story. A story that supports and empowers you versus one that makes you feel less than and playing small. The name of transformation is reprogramming your mind by recreating a new, better, more supportive story. 

Once you learn to use Judging as a way to help move you forward, you win the inner game.

Does this make sense?

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