She Leads Confidently

She Leads Confidently

Epi #66 Are You Afraid of Being Seen?

November 08, 2021

Find Yourself playing a smaller game?

There are too many people who fear being seen. This usually developed from highly critical parents or someone in your life as a child. It didn’t matter what you did it was either never good enough or you would never be a success as ??????. So you decided, why try or you bought into never being successful enough, when you get to that point, you quit.

Stop. Or they can be the Center of Attention but only so far. I know this may not make sense. Maybe you have some great accomplishments yet you tell no one. Or when you start to have success whether financial, growth, etc you stop when it gets to a certain point.

For example – you sign up 5 new clients for your online course or sell your product to 3 new clients then you shut down. If you take a few minutes and look back you may see a pattern develop that when you get to a certain level you pull back.