She Leads Confidently

She Leads Confidently

Epi 63 Confidence Trapped?

September 28, 2021

Stop looking backwards

Confidence trapped is a far too common phenomenon. Way too many people get stuck in a moment when their life is shining bright. Score the winning touchdown. Or the winning basket. Conversely, just surviving. Within a short period of waking up, your mind goes to a negative moment in your life. A trauma, bad break up, losing a loved one during COVID.

Each month, week, day, maybe an hour, you make a plan. A plan to get unstuck and follow your destiny. Almost once that thought passes, thought of no way comes into your head. But what if you could re-write your Story? 

Reconnect to your inner self. Find the origin of the Story you have on repeat. Listen and understand what the message from the universe is saying. Listen. Your Soul does call out to you, begging you to reconnect at the most basic level. Your Soul is inviting you to Recreate your past Story. Develop a story that empowered you to walk with your head high, shoulder pulled back, wearing the fantastic look dress with matching shoes. See yourself owning each room you enter. 

Reclaim your Power. Reclaim that who you were are birth. Step into your authentic power with your head held high—no need to slouch. You are a magnificent woman with fierce confidence.

Confidence Reclaimed! that is what you say every morning and night. You know who you are, what you want, and are ready to go 100% all-in on YOU!