She Leads Confidently

She Leads Confidently

Epi #62 Hero’s Journey and You.

September 14, 2021

Your Story of Transformation

Joseph Campbell, while studying Greek mythology, found a constant theme. An overarching theme that makes the story more compelling.  Once you learn the steps, it can make reading a book or watching a movie challenge. Why? You will understand the framework of the steps on the journey. Happy Potter, Star Wars, and Lord of the Rings were masters at employing this framework.

My online course Confidence REclaimed as developed on that exact theme. Transformation does not begin until called into action and your journey begins. Something happens that pushes people to do something. On the journey is a guide helping move them forward. Change is hard, and everyone needs a nudge every so often to keep moving. 

When healing Spiritual Shadows, the journey there are always traps. The bad news is there are a few abysses that appear. The good news is on the other side is true transformation. True change. Are you ready to step into the person you are meant to be?

Check out and read out my new online course.