She Leads Confidently

She Leads Confidently

Epi #61 Lessons Learned Podcasting

September 10, 2021

From a Fearless Novice

I learned so many lessons podcasting it would take forever to review. I was a novice podcaster. Filler with confidence, but that was it.  I have no idea how any of it worked, but I listened to many podcasts and stayed at a Holiday Inn. 

Seriously one of my most favorite sayings is ‘How hard can it be?’ That also gets me in trouble sometimes. Yet, I do usually figure it out. 

In this podcast, we talk about all I learned, the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. For instance, the importance of making sure the date you post is not 1997. You have the correct podcast episode number. Oh, did I mention I am more of a big picture person? Details are not my jam, and I learned that the hard way. I went from Episode 40 to episode 55. I to fix that. 

The pros have fancy intro and music. That is doable, except I do my work…YIKES. When you do an interview not a good idea to talk for 65 min. Especially when just catching up.

The most important lesson I learned, you ask. Just start. Nothing will ever be perfect unless you have a team curating your work. The Ed Mylett Show, I’m sure when he started, was not even close to how it is now.  As their podcast grew, the team got bigger and more professional. (Although I don’t like ads in a podcast.)

If you are thinking of launching a podcast, heck business, or anything to quote Nike, Just do IT!