She Leads Confidently

She Leads Confidently

Epi 60 What You Say Determines Your Outcome

August 29, 2021

The Universe Reacts

We hear it all the time. People saying What you think about you will bring about. And that is a universal fact. A lesser-known, but I think more impactful, are the words put into action will deliver a reaction.

What you say aloud is alerting the Universe that you are in need, and it must jump into action. And as you may know when you say something like I don’t want to be late. The Universe doesn’t hear the word ‘don’t’ it hears I want to be late. The Universe never learned the human form of saying a negative word couched as it’s a positive. It hears that statement as you want it and wants it now.   

If you are rolling your eyes thinking, Geez, how DO I manifest the answer is more straightforward than it appears. Don’t say negative words or phrases or add a NOT to a part of a word. Like? Wouldn’t, didn’t, don’t, well you get the point.

If you say a negative, quickly state two positives to override the negative. Is it possible to override a negative statement? Absolutely. But you must be diligent in always doing two positives for every one negative. It takes discipline, but it is worth the extra effort. 

Give it a try for a week. Then come back and let me know what you think.