She Leads Confidently

She Leads Confidently

Epi #59 Shadow and True Transformation

August 25, 2021

Making real change within

When people transform their lives it must involves shadow work at some point in time. Until people get to the root of the issue holding them back makes it is very hard to heal. These Shadows are repressed parts of your personality that others rejected. This rejection settled in your Soul and has remained hidden until you made the decision to seek it out.

Contained within this Shadow is Your Gift. Many times it’s your purpose in this world. Your reason for being. When you heal them you no longer are confused or ‘unfocused’ you have clarity and the courage to move forward.

Everyone wants confidence. A direction to seek in their life. Start the journey within and seek the answers to the questions that bounce around in your head. You know the questions. The WHY ________ question you have. The Why did this happen or that happened?

Then the day comes when you know like you know WHO you are and WHY. Are you Ready?