She Leads Confidently

She Leads Confidently

Epi #58 It is Your Choice!

August 13, 2021

Choose to Own Your Power!

It has always been your choice. You choose what you desire they say. Ask the Universe, visualize it happening, stay positive, and it will appear. 

When I first heard this, I thought it was a bunch of BS. Who would choose any form of trauma in their life? Choose to be poor, abuse, left alone to fend for themselves, discarded, live in a war-torn country where women are preyed upon. Who would choose that? We do. It’s all part of our human experience. 

Once I was able to make peace with ‘It’s a Choice,’ my life changed. When people decide to make, change things will begin to shift. 

The Universe will shine a light on the path for you to follow.  The challenge is believing and trusting that it can be that easy. Trusting that the Universe is here to support all your efforts. Sadly, as humans, people find it hard to believe it’s just that easy. 

I know it did. I fought and pushed back when good appeared and embraced bad. Bad outcomes became a friend that I recognized. Actually, I would subconsciously seek negative outcomes out. I did not understand that there were Shadows buried and potential buried within these Shadows. 

Then I understood. 

Like Glinda the Good Witch said in the Wizard of Oz, YOU HAVE THE POWER ALL ALONG, MY DEAR.

It’s Your Choice!