She Leads Confidently

She Leads Confidently

Epi #57 Simone Biles – Goat & World Changer

August 04, 2021

Her calling was Greater than she knew.

I think everyone on this planet know the Simone Bile sat out most of the Olympics with mental health issues. As the Goat in the world of Gymnastics she could have remained silence, but she chose not to. Courageous decision. She could have muscled through to make everyone happy. 

Instead, she used her large platform to discuss mental health issues. Simone has a much larger PURPOSE, she discussed the sexual abuse she endured as a gymnast on the USA Olympics Team. When she arrived in Japan, she was clear that as the lone voice left on the team, she felt obligated to make sure the USA Olympics didn’t convenient forget. That was her overarching Momentous goal.

You see, when you tell your mind what your gargantuan goal is, your mind gets to work immediately to figure out how to make that happen. I’m sure that is not where the twisties came from, but I truly believe she had this amazing platform, so the Mind thinks… let’s get started, NOW.

As a bonus, Simone sitting out propelled the other gymnast on the USA Team to step into the spotlight.  Each one of them won medals including the all-around team event. (It’s awesome that two of them are from the East Valley in Phoenix.)

When you have a momentouoverarching goal and direct your mind, your mind will get to work and make it happen. That is exactly why it’s important to know what you want moving forward so your mind can make it happen.

Thank you Simone for being the GOAT and most important a WORLD CHANGER.