She Leads Confidently

She Leads Confidently

Epi #56 Build Your Confidence Through Shadow Work

July 05, 2021

Blue Rose System for Shadow Work

How often do you notice the confidence person FIRST? I think everyone notices confident people first and are drawn to them. Why? People they enter a room. Not walk into a room but enter with style. People walk over to them for conversation not the opposite way. It seems like they attract everything and anything into their life.

Why, oh why are they so lucky? Trust me luck has nothing to do with it. They have done the work. They have learned who they are and did a deep dive into what motivates them. What blocks were holding them in place?

Doing the work today, means a life well lived in the future. When people take the time to heal their past, the patterns they run, and find out WHY they do what they do, life will open to them, and YOU. Understanding the WHY is the key to moving forward. The key to having the life, business, love in your life, starting today.

If you are ready to start building the life you dream about and become unstoppable, let’s go. It’s time to Find your Blue Rose.