She Leads Confidently

She Leads Confidently

Epi #55 God, Religion and Me

July 02, 2021

Spent years Trying to answer this Question.

I have spent years trying to understand my visceral reaction to religion. I was 100% there with a higher power, but organized religion was a struggle. I have no idea why. When to church each Sunday, Sunday school, communion, confirmation, etc., but still was repelled by it.

I spent my life trying to understand the various religions and Gods of those religions. What I found was all, but one had created a system. If you do steps 1,2,3 etc., you will be loved. For God it was, I will love you regardless. 

I could embrace that for sure. It has been and will continue to be a journey. But what I know to be true is there is a powerful force that guides the Universe. Those who understand this force can draw success and love into their life. And let’s be honest here, who doesn’t want that?

Here’s to you Finding Your Blue Rose!