She Leads Confidently

She Leads Confidently

Why one family member is a superstar and the other not?

June 24, 2021

Successful people and the G.O.O.D. Method

How you ever wondered how two brothers or sisters from the same family are no equals in say sports? Serena vs Venus. Stephen Curry or Seth Curry?

Let’s take Stephen and Seth Curry. They are both professional I think they are close to the same size and body type. Yet one, Stephen, is a multiple World Champion and future Hall of Famer and can shoot from anywhere on the court. 

Seth is more of a journey man role player. He fills a specific need of a team. Stephen is the leader of the team and role model for the NBA and little boys and girls dreaming of playing in the NBA one day.

Why? They had the same childhood. Same NBA Dad and athletic Mom. So, what made the difference? One Word…MINDSET

I believe the superstar family member follow the G.O.O.D. What is that method? G=GOAL to be great, O= no OTHER Option, O = Know your OUTCOME and D = Dogged DETERMINATION.

If you follow this method, you will get there. Remember, you MUST believe in your Goal, eliminate any escape route, can see your outcome CLEARLY and be Never quit.