She Leads Confidently

She Leads Confidently

Epi #52 How to Recognize a Childhood Shadow Imprint

June 15, 2021

What is Your Truth ?

Everyone has Shadows. Shadows are blurry blocks that hold them back from who they were born to be. These are the repressed pieces of our soul that others didn’t accept back when you were 4, 5, 10, 15 etc. You didn’t have the toolkit to disregard what they said you instead internalized the comments.

Then, they become real. A part of who you are, right or wrong. When people begin to search for what is holding them stuck these Childhood Shadow Imprints will show up. Healing the major ones is hard, can be the dark night of the soul kind of moment BUT is it worth it? Heck yes. Stepping into your true birth purpose makes all the tears worth it