She Leads Confidently

She Leads Confidently

Epi 50 Make a Scene!

May 24, 2021

Women of a certain age were strongly encouraged to be seen and not heard. Make a scene was out of the question. They married the ‘right’ guy, had children, and walked through life like a Zombie. They were climbing the corporate ladder attempting to find their place. 

Some we lucky to meet a mentor, but most had to find their way. They turned 50 and realized they had much to bring to the table. So many talents. Then something else happened.

They found their voice. Learned if that speaking quietly, like a lady, was no longer cutting it for them. They discovered their voice. And the absolute power of ‘making a scene.’

There are times when making a scene is the only way to be heard. There are nice ways to do it and hard-charging ways as well. When making a scene, you’re taking back your power while speaking your mind and being heard. There’s no longer a need to be a ‘good girl or a people pleaser. There is only the need to be true to YOU.

When was the last time you made a scene?