She Leads Confidently

She Leads Confidently

Epi #48 Blue Rose and Divine Downloads

April 27, 2021

What is Your Unique Calling?

Each of you has a unique calling. A specific calling. A Blue Rose to share with the world. Yet many spend their life seeking the purpose even when the answers are in front of them. The Universe will ‘speak’ in the form of a divine download.

These downloads may come during a lucid dream, a tiny voice, an idea that pops in your head, or who knows. The Universe will find a way to communicate with you in a way you and only you will recognize.

Yet you can hear the idea (thought), feel it with all your heart, but you must take action.

Go all in finding your Blue Rose. A Blue rose is impossible to create in nature. The meaning of a Blue Rose is a new beginning, a source of enlightenment, and a sense of direction. Heck, on the Game of Throne, a Blue Rose was given to Daenerys (mother of the dragons) as encouragement, and she started her journey to become a queen.

Ready to get started in your new beginning? Ask the Universe for help, then LISTEN.