She Leads Confidently

She Leads Confidently

Epi #47 How to Let Go of Shame

April 18, 2021

Heal the Shadow of Shame

For many women over 50, Shame can be a part of their inner core. Since childhood, they have watch women be treated poorly or less than on TV, and this type of behavior became part of their subconscious. Learn how to let go of shame.

Living with Shame creates illness, self-sabotaging behaviors, and self-loathing, leaving women open for even more emotional challenges and limiting beliefs. Limiting beliefs are the key source of what holds you back from being the woman you know you can be.

Healing the Shadow of Shame will help you be able to live a more confident life. Once you realized that there is no reason to be ashamed. You lived the life you did, and now it’s time to let it go, finally.

Give yourself the grace to forgive and the courage to love yourself.