She Leads Confidently

She Leads Confidently

Epi #46 The Energy of WHY

April 15, 2021

Understand Your Why

As Humans, we must understand WHY things happen. But more important is the energy behind that why. This is an energetic universe. Your energy level determines how and what you are manifesting and attracting.

I did a deep dive over the past years on who I thought I was and who I actually was. I decided I was not a part of my fan club. But the person I was in April 2019 and the person I am in April 2021 are radically different.

I truly feel unstoppable. I am clear and laser-focused on what I want to accomplish over this year. This is what happens when you begin to heal Shadows and listen within. Your energy will tell you if you are operating in a Shadow or not. Low energy, terrible self-talk, and feeling bad about yourself- SHADOW

Up, happy, filled with self-love-NO SHADOW.

When you ask Why and look at your energy, when it’s positive, you tell the Universe you are ready for change, for positive change. Learn how to keep your energy high and make miracles happen.