She Leads Confidently

She Leads Confidently

Epi #44 Spiritual Cleanse & Revisiting Your Inner Child

March 28, 2021

I spoke a few weeks ago about healing your inner child. (Episode #42) There are three steps to learn how to talk with her and learn the new messages she may be carrying.

But first, let me explain a Spiritual Cleanse. A cleanse typically happens after you have spent time doing intense inner work. At least, that is the case for me. Once you complete the inner work, your body needs to eliminate the spiritual toxins left behind. The negative blocks and emotions that get stuck in your spiritual cords. (Let’s talk about spiritual cord cleansing in a later podcast.) Once you can remove the negative blocks and replace them with positive energy, your life will change in ways you can’t even begin to imagine.

Understand, Positive energy vibrates at a much higher frequency than negative energy. That’s why when you’re around someone who vibrates at a high frequency its lifts you up. You love being around these types of people.

The same is true, sadly, for people who vibrate at a much lower frequency. Their energy seeks out people who perceive themselves more as victims vibrating at the level of the victim. Narcissists vibrate a much lower frequency and demand higher vibrating people so they can feed off their energy. They replace their negative dark energy with others’ higher, more bright energy until they diminish that person and look for new energy.

Keep your energy high and learn how to place a protection charm on yourself every morning.