She Leads Confidently

She Leads Confidently

Epi #43 What is Your Burning Desire?

March 15, 2021

What gets you up each morning?

Burning Desire. I first learned about this when I read Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich book. He talked about having a vision so powerful you’ll move heaven and earth to achieve that goal.

When you live with a burning desire, all your waking hours are spent thinking about transforming that part of your life. Maybe you decide to start your own business. All your free time and focus are on that business because it is all about your purpose.

When you are not living in your burning desire, you may drag through your day. Trying to stay motivated or a least somewhat engaged on the project you are working on.

I have found that people who are making real money know precisely what lights them up. People with real happiness spend over 90% of their time following their purpose at Mach 5. It’s hard for them to do anything else.

Finally, they know in their head exactly how their business and/or life will end. They see it every waking hour as if it already happened.

My question to you…Do you know what your Burning Desire is? Your must accomplish?