She Leads Confidently

She Leads Confidently

Epi #42 Heal Your Inner Child

March 06, 2021

Clear Your Cellular Memory.

Trauma in one form or another enters into everyone’s life. Whether the death of a parent at a young age, some form of abuse, bullying, or a sadly long list of trauma. Trauma does not disappear; instead caught in your cellular memory. Until people learn to heal their cellular memory, the abuse lingers. It is often hiding, unseen, almost unnoticed until it rears its dark cloud and starts causing havoc.

How can you tell? Drinking starts, grades go down, job instability, mood enhancement, or a basic yet powerful is the negative self-talk. Words have power, and the words people say to themselves have the most energy. Check out what Oprah says about the power of works.

Take the time to heal your inner child. Learn who they are, how they are thinking, and see the trauma through their lens. This is just one way to begin healing and developing an understanding of who you are at your core.

Start heaingl your Shadows, Become Your Most Powerful Self and Find Your Blue Rose.