She Leads Confidently

She Leads Confidently

Epi 38 Faith, Passion and President Biden.

January 24, 2021

This is a non political podcast but more of an observation of how one person refused to accept failure. He could be a poster child for ‘Everything is Overcomeable.’

President Biden has run for office so many times I lost count. But he never gave up on his dream. He was rock solid that he was born to be the President of the United States.

He lived through more loss than any one person should have to. He lost his first wife and young daughter in a car accident. Then his son some years later. This man understands trauma, yet he continued to run for office and keep chasing his dream.

He was DETERMINED to ACHIEVE the VISION he had cast for himself some 40 years earlier. You see, he understood that God’s delays are not God’s Denials. Plus, he understood the power of VISUALIZATION and the POWER of the MIND.

If you can CONCEIVE it, BELIEVE it, you can ACHIEVE it. I use to think this was all BS. My belief was people said it to get people to buy or follow them. That only the lucky few can achieve greatness. Now I plan to try it. I mean, go all-in on trying it using all the powers of my mind.

I will keep you updated. Follow my updates on my FB Group Possibilities Cafe.