She Leads Confidently

She Leads Confidently

#36 Self Labels and Negative Self-Talk

November 27, 2020

Sabotaging Behavior.

Labels are used every day on food, products, commercials, and on people. The problem is your label or how you label yourself determines your success or failure in many situations. Self Labels and negative self-talk go hand in hand.

Sounds harsh, I know. That label can determine the self-talk you have within whether it will be positive or negative. For instance, you tell yourself you are fat. or out of shape and need to lose weight. But your inner mind hears and repeats your fat. (Weight loss is an excellent example of how labeling can define a person. However, any explanation would work your not smart. You don’t deserve good things. The great jobs go to suck-ups, and you’re not a suck-up.)

When women then venture out to try something new, go shopping, girls night out, a first date, the script she keeps running is the I’m fat, nothing fits, I look terrible, and the self-sabotaging begins. The inner self-talk is off to the races repeating ALL the negative things you have ever heard about weight. You then shrink, go back into the self-imposed cage, and remain stuck.

Check out this article that can better explain self-sabotaging behavior.

This behavior can heal when you refuse to allow negative thinking to take up residence in your mind. Relisten to my podcast episode #26 Others peoples Opinion of You

When you control your inner negative voice, you will begin to ignite your possibilities and Find Your Blue Rose.