She Leads Confidently

She Leads Confidently

Epi 28 ‘What’s Next’ in Your 2nd Act

September 16, 2020

What are you going to do next in your retirement?

Women, through the years, took jobs that fit with their skill sets and child care responsibilities. Many studied nursing, teaching, or more administrative positions. It was the sign of the times 30 plus years ago. Very few opportunities were available.

After spending the past 30-40 years in the workplace, this group of women are thinking of and preparing to retire. Move on to their What’s Next. Trying to decide for possibly the first time in their life what they want to do. Finally, able to follow their dreams. Lend a voice to their inner hero.

What to do next is the question. Start their own business? Travel the world? But will their retirement hold out? What better way to control their future than by starting their own business!

Join the discussion and let me know in the comments what you think. If you feel so moved, please leave a testimonial.